Reward Days
Reward Days are a way to give recognition to the students who go above and beyond and do what is expected of them and give them an incentive to do what is right. Students who are not eligible to participate in Reward Day activities will participate in regular academic programs.
Reward Day Eligibility Requirements:
No more than ONE unexcused absence per marking period.
No more than FIVE times late to school per marking period.
No failing grade (F) per marking period.
In the fourth marking period, no failing grade (F) on the Progress Report.
No more than two Ds on the Report Card per marking period.
No outstanding obligations.
For example: no unpaid library books, class dues or sports uniforms.
ZERO out-of-school suspension (OSS) per marking period.
No more than ONE in-school suspension (ISS) per marking period.
No more than TWO administrative detentions per marking period.
No more than FIVE teacher detentions per marking period.