Hallway Behavior Expectations
1. Walk in one line
2. Walk in a single-file line, facing forward at all times.
3. Keep hands at your side. If holding books, books should be held in front.
4. Keep personal space.
5. Walk silently.
6. Students must have hall pass (if not walking with class)
7. Walk on the right side of the hallway.
8. Follow teacher direction.
Cafeteria Behavior Expectations
1. Use assigned cafeteria entrance.
2. Sit at assigned table, and remain in designated areas.
3. Remain in seat and act in a respectful manner.
4. Walk in the cafeteria at all times.
5. Use inside voices.
6. When the whistle is blown, remain quiet.
7. Wait your turn and keep personal space in line.
8. Wait to be called into the lunch line, into the snack line, and to throw away trash.
9. Clean up, and pick up trash in your area.
10. Keep personal items and recess equipment on the stage.
11. Must have a pass to leave the cafeteria for any reason.
12. All food and drinks must be kept in the cafeteria.
Recess Behavior Expectations
1. Leave cafeteria in one line, single-file.
2. Keep hands at side.
3. Walk quietly.
4. Listen to recess monitors.
5. Stay in assigned area.
6. Report any problems to the recess monitors.
7. Be safe with all equipment and peers around you.
8. No rough housing.
9. Leave all personal items in lunch bins.
10. When whistle is blown, quickly line up by homeroom.
11. When entering building walk in with your homeroom in one line.
Bathroom Behavior Expectations
1. Students must have a pass.
2. Students must have permission from a teacher.
3. Students must follow hallway expectations.
4. Sign bathroom log when leaving and returning.
5. Use assigned bathrooms per grade level.
6. Respect the privacy of others.
7. Lock door when in use, leave door unlocked when not in use.
8. Flush toilet when done.
9. Wash your hands.
10. Throw all paper towels in the wastebasket.
11. Report any problems immediately to your teacher.